
Games Computers

Windows 10 Gameplay Tests Begin!

By Ben

With a new Windows 10 operating system just around the corner we've begun testing to see just how good this is going to be for gamers like us, from what we've seen recently around DirectX 12 things are looking very promising – as below with the amazing tech demo.

but how well will our current games run?

Microsoft are certainly encouraging everyone to move to the new OS, if you've got yourself a Gorilla Gaming Rig you can sign up now for the windows 10 Upgrade offer and you'll be ready to make the move from the Windows 7 or 8 that is installed on your PC currently to Windows 10 when it releases – but before we do we've fired up the preview so we can all see what performance to expect!

For our first series of tests we've put together a build with a 700 series graphics card so we can really be sure this new OS won't require the latest hardware to use, see for yourself below how our Windows 10 Gaming PC handles some Witcher 3!

During tests so far we've experienced no crashes, we've tested everthing from Minecraft to GTA V and it's looking good so far – no real boosts in FPS but stable.

If you want to give it a go for yourself you can download the Download Windows 10 Insider Preview ISO – simply download and copy this to USB flashdrive (we used an 8GB Batman USB), run setup and you're on the way!


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  • Mr. Propellerhead says: 5 June 2015, 11:46am

    Erm.. that "amazing tech demo" is three years old now, and based on DirectX 11 - perhaps you meant to refer to the 'Witch Chapter 0 [cry]' demo shown off during the Microsoft Build Developer Conference?

  • Ben says: 6 June 2015, 4:18pm

    EEP! You sir are legend - I had linked the wrong vid! updated :)