
Baby & Toddler

Win Ewan the dream sheep

By Sheryn

Ewan the Dream Sheep is a soft, cuddly sleep aid like no other…

If you feel like those sleepless nights will never end, meet Ewan the Dream Sheep.With a selection of soothing, womb-like sounds Ewan has a remarkable calming effect on an unsettled baby AND a calm baby means more sleep for you!

Why is Ewan so special? Ewan the Dream Sheep plays real recordings of womb and heartbeat sounds which are obviously soothing and calming sounds for a baby. With his calming pink glow, and selection of womb and heartbeat sounds, he helps babies and toddlers drift into a peaceful sleep.

A perfect sleep aid for your own baby or a precious gift for a family member or friend, we are giving away Ewan the Dream Sheep to 3 lucky winners!

To go in the draw for One Ewan the Dream Sheep, simply tell us in the comments below why you like to own one.

Winners will be drawn on 22nd June 2015

Tags: competition


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  • Sarah says: 15 June 2015, 10:12am

    I would like to win Ewan the dream sheep for my little boy to help him sleep so I can sleep :)

  • Steph says: 15 June 2015, 10:14am

    This is just what we need.

  • Kendall says: 15 June 2015, 10:44am

    I would LOVE to win Ewan the dream sheep for my 4 month old baby boy to help him settle to sleep easier so mummy and daddy and get a good night sleep

  • Lesley says: 15 June 2015, 11:17am

    I would love Ewan for my grandson and his Mum and Dad

  • ruth says: 15 June 2015, 12:39pm

    We would love Ewan at our house... My little guy would give him a lovely home with plenty of cuddles. A great bedtime companion to help him sleep and relax :-)

  • melissa says: 15 June 2015, 1:04pm

    I'd love one for our little Olivia she has had a rough start and spent a long time in hospital so anything soothing is great for her at bedtime!

  • Nola says: 15 June 2015, 2:26pm

    I have a friend who is having a baby so I would like to win for her

  • Tim says: 15 June 2015, 2:39pm

    I would like to win Ewan the dream sheep.......

  • Tim says: 15 June 2015, 2:40pm

    I would like to win Ewan the dream sheep....... Be good for my baby boy due in september

  • Jo says: 15 June 2015, 2:48pm

    I'd love to own Ewan the dream sheep because my little boy is a total dream, but sleep isn't a part of his repertoire right now!

  • Chris says: 15 June 2015, 7:53pm

    I would like to own Ewan because my son would love a snuggle sheep with music to go to sleep with. Mum here would love one for him because Ewan looks cool; has a cool name; has my favourite cool colour purple on him; plus I can stop my very uncool singing to my son trying to settle him!

  • Melissa says: 15 June 2015, 8:47pm

    I would LOVE to win this for my good friend who has been struggling for the last eleven weeks with her newborn. She's tried everything diet, sleep consultants, swaddled and even including the well known "shusher" and nothing has worked. Hopefully if I win she can have some respite during the day and into the long nights!!

  • Katie says: 15 June 2015, 8:50pm

    My lovely little Leo would adore Ewan the dream sheep to lull him to sleep. He falls to sleep beautifully after a massage each evening until about 2am when we could all do with a little magical helping hand!

  • Cam says: 15 June 2015, 9:00pm

    I'm a security guard and I often work night shifts. I have a beautiful baby boy but his restlessness is slaughtering my limited sleep schedule. Ewe could really help me out with one of this magic sheep. Cheers

  • jenelle says: 15 June 2015, 9:08pm

    My gorgeous wee boy Lachlan would love Ewan to snuggle into him at night, and maybe Ewan could get Lachlan to sleep in there bed instead of mummy and daddy's.

  • Angela says: 15 June 2015, 11:36pm

    I'd love to give this to my Great-niece who is expecting her first child in early December.
    Ewan would be awesome.

  • Debbie says: 16 June 2015, 7:25am

    I'd love to win to give to my sister who as 2 under 2 and I babysit frequently but she is very tired. This would be amazing to help settle the babies and hopefuly she can count sheep too and dream. :)

  • Angie says: 16 June 2015, 2:46pm

    Ewan is one cool looking sheep! His awesome glow would make for a great semi night light, and the soothing sounds would hopefully help with self-settling encouraging our little one off back to sleep.
    Our gorgeous wee boy has certainly had his fair share of challenges so far, with another hospital stay in a few days time, so Ewan would certainly help to keep trying to manage his sleep which has been consistently disrupted. Thanks Mighty Ape! :)

  • Kim says: 16 June 2015, 4:55pm

    My wee girl would love this to help her sleep, I would certainly appreciate the sleep too!!!!

  • Darren says: 16 June 2015, 6:04pm

    So mum and dad can get some beauty sleep

  • pauline says: 16 June 2015, 7:47pm

    Poor niece is so sleep deprived think this wee sheep just may do the trick and restore some
    calm into her life.

  • Melissa says: 16 June 2015, 9:54pm

    My wee man would love this, it would certainly help him at bedtime, and might let mummy get some sleep too!

  • Mesina says: 17 June 2015, 5:09pm

    Would love to win this to use with my 6 month old daughter who is very hard to get to sleep at night!!

  • Michelle says: 17 June 2015, 5:40pm

    I would love this for my girl as her sleeping has become terrible. Teething is so cruel and both of us would love a good nights sleep. Daddy is away with work and mummy is losing her sanity hehe :)

  • Michelle says: 17 June 2015, 5:49pm

    Would love to win one for my baby nephew Brandon so that my big Sister can get some much needed sleep! :)

  • Ian says: 17 June 2015, 8:08pm

    I know my daughter Ruby would just love to have this for her baby, she is still pregnant, but will be having my little granddaughter in August, so it would be a great first cuddly toy for her new born baby girl.

  • Trent says: 17 June 2015, 8:50pm

    We'd love Ewan to help our poor little man settle - he's not a great sleeper! Ewan is an excellent name for a sheep by the way!

  • Jennifer says: 17 June 2015, 10:40pm

    Ewan the sheep might just be the companion my little man needs to help him settle at his Aunties or Grandmas. They love to have him over but the lack of sleep makes it hard. Great giveaway!!

  • April says: 18 June 2015, 1:50am

    Because it's almost 2am and I'm here typing this with one hand and holding my wide awake son in the other T_T

  • Virginia says: 18 June 2015, 9:40am

    It would be great to win this prize with our first child due in August as I'm quite sure it will be well used for our son as well as future siblings!

  • Michael says: 20 June 2015, 11:48am

    Because Sheep are traditionally associated with sleeping

  • Garth says: 20 June 2015, 4:21pm

    My little girl would love this.

  • Jen says: 20 June 2015, 4:22pm

    Because my 5 1/2 month old has almost made me forget what sleep even is!

  • Jennifer says: 20 June 2015, 6:44pm

    I have several friends and family with babies on the way and I would love to give Ewan to one of them!
    Would have loved having one when my girls were tiny so I'm sure they would too :)

  • Charmaine says: 20 June 2015, 7:18pm

    I'd love to win this for my youngest son to help him sleep at night

  • Tania says: 20 June 2015, 8:36pm

    This would be great for my friend - she had a little boy 3 weeks ago and is really struggling with getting him to sleep longer than an hour - poor thing really needs a decent block of sleep :(

  • karen says: 21 June 2015, 5:05pm

    Would love to win Ewan the sheep for my youngest daughter to stretch her hours of sleep.

  • Jessie says: 21 June 2015, 5:07pm

    Wow I would love to win this for my 6 month old baby boy. He loves comfort when he's sleeping so I know he would absolutely adore this xx

  • Nadia says: 21 June 2015, 5:12pm

    We would love to win this for our little man! He used to be a dream sleeper, but not so much anymore!! Mr Ewan would definitely help, and would help mum and dad get some sleep in too!!!

    PS Ewan is the perfect name for a sheep!!!

  • Sarah says: 21 June 2015, 5:28pm

    I would love one of these for my baby girl who is not as good at settling herself as my son was!

  • Sarah says: 21 June 2015, 6:33pm

    I would love to win Ewan the dream sheep for my 3 week old baby. She is really fussy after her night feeds especially and this would be fabulous to help us settle her while not losing hours if sleep ourselves :)

  • Samantha says: 21 June 2015, 6:34pm

    I would love to win one for my son Ethan so he can settle himself to sleep and I think that Ewan and Ethan sound like they would be best friends

  • Letitia says: 21 June 2015, 6:36pm

    would live to try one with my 9 month old. He still wakes 2 hourly

  • Gaby says: 21 June 2015, 6:40pm

    I would love to win one for miss 3. Hopefully it would teach her to go to sleep before 10 and help her wake up in time to get to daycare.

  • Sarah says: 21 June 2015, 7:34pm

    Would love one of these for my little girl! She's only 12 weeks old but this will be great for the coming months :D

  • Nicola says: 21 June 2015, 10:02pm

    I need to try something new to stop my four month old son waking up two or three times a night thinking he needs feeding again or thinks it's time to be awake

  • Holly says: 22 June 2015, 8:34am

    Oh my so sweet. My 1st baby is due in October. I've seen so many sleep trainers but oh my, how much cuter and softer is ewan the dream sheep! Love! Would definitely love great sleep from the get go with my little one.

  • Sheryn says: 22 June 2015, 12:47pm

    Congratulations Michelle Stichbury! You are one of our winner for Ewan the Dream Sheep.