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NEW Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver Electric Toothbrush!

By Stacey

Even Time Lords develop tartar, and Gallifreyan gingivitis can be nasty, which is why the good Doctor has developed a handy toothbrush attachment for his Sonic Screwdriver.

Now you, too, can have teeth as clean as a Time Lord's when you cleanse your ivories with the awesome Sonic Screwdriver electric toothbrush!

Ok, so it’s not the actual sonic screwdriver, but this electric toothbrush is officially licenced Doctor Who merch and is dentist approved (across multiple dimensions of course).

Our last shipment of Sonic Screwdriver toothbrushes sold-out in one day – so if you're a Doctor Who fan, be sure to swing by now and grab yours before they're all snapped up this time!

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