
Home & Living

Spring Cleaning tips from the Home & Living Gorilla...

By Stacey

Spring is here! The weather is gorgeous and it’s time to open the windows and start on your spring cleaning. But where to start? What needs to be done? If you’re not too sure, or need simply need some motivation to get started – we’ve got some great tips just for you…

  • Get the whole family involved – 10 minutes with 4 people is 40 minutes of solid cleaning time!
  • Fill a bucket with basics that need to be toted from room to room: all-purpose and glass-cleaning sprays, a sponge, a toothbrush, a squeegee, a scrub brush, and terry-cloth towels in washcloth and hand-towel sizes. Between tasks, hang rubber gloves over the rim to dry. Take another empty bucket with you to fill with unwanted items to give to charity.
  • Break your paper-towel habit and keep spring cleaning spend to a minimum with these reusable cloths, they hold up well in the wash, are great for most surfaces and friendlier to the environment.
  • Windows: Clean the windows inside and out – and grab a friend or family member to help so you can both work on one side each and point out any missed spots! Instead of harsh chemical sprays, get those windows and mirrors crystal clear with a simple solution of white vinegar, newspaper and a little elbow grease.
  • Dust: choose a quality duster that will trap and remove the dust (e.g. a microfiber cloth) rather than just spread it around. Dust all surfaces of your home including shelves, knick knacks, photos, lamp shades, door trim, window casings and ceiling fans, before you do your final vacuum.
  • Defrost and clean out the fridge and freezer: Empty, defrost, clean, dry, deoderize (remove any lingering odors by scrubbing the area down with a mixture of water and baking soda) and refill.
  • At least once or twice a year, wipe down blinds. Either use a little dishwahing liquid on a nearly dry sponge, or baby wipes to wipe between each blind.
  • Pillows and duvet inners: with use over time bedding inners can harbour bacteria and mold. If your pillows and duvet inner are machine washable, wash them and dry them completely in the sunshine (which is antibacterial). If they’re not washable, hand clean them or replace them with new ones.
  • Oven/Stove Cleaning: aswell as cleaning the inside of the oven, clean the grease traps and exhaust vents too. Pull the oven out from the wall if it's freestanding and clean behind to remove excess any debris that has dropped/dripped down over the months.
  • Clear out your bathroom cabinets: toss old cosmetics, toiletries and medications that have passed their use-by date. Don't be tempted to keep old medicines because you think you may need them in the future. Return unused medicines you have been prescribed, or medicines past their expiry date, to your pharmacist for safe disposal.
  • Clean out Drawers and Closets: Be ruthless and give away unwanted clothing that's been hanging in your closet unworn. Store cold weather clothing in storage bags in the top of the cupboard or under the bed, and bring out warm weather clothing.
  • Vacuum and steam-clean curtains or have them dry-cleaned. If you'll be replacing heavy curtains with lighter ones as the weather gets warmer, it is particularly important to clean the curtains before putting them away for storage.
  • Last but not least Smoke Detectors/Alarms: Replace batteries in all smoke detector units – why wait for that annoying beeping to wake you up at 2am!

What are your favorite spring cleaning tips? Do you have any to add to my list?

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