
Health & Beauty

7 Beauty Recipes you can Whip up in your Kitchen!

By Cushla

Honey, tea and bananas aren't just tasty treats nowadays! These yummy items are just a few of the everyday cupboard items that can be whisked up and created into homemade beauty recipes. So next time you feel like a spontaneous spot of pampering, these kitchen cupboard beauty stars may be just what you need

1) Hair Treatments
Ancient Egyptians used olive oil as one of their many beauty tools. One of the great ways they used it was as a rather luxurious hair treatment.

To try this out at home you'll want to warm oil in a microwave or under a hot stream of water in a separate container. Remember to warm the oil (and not make it too hot), then apply generously to the tips of your hair, working up to the scalp. Leave on for 10–20 minutes then shampoo and condition as normal.

Got an itchy scalp? Try a three part recipe in equal amounts of olive oil, lemon juice and water then follow the recipe above.

2) Lip Scrub
Got chapped lips? Try combining olive oil with sugar and lightly scrub – or add a splash of lemon to speed up the exfoliation properties.

Exfoliating lips a few times a week will make even the driest cracked lips clean and smooth. This will help you apply lippy and glosses without any cracked appearance – just don't overdo it and stick to a few times a week maximum.

Best of all, this lush scrub can be used on the whole body!

3) Cuticle Conditions
Are longer stronger nails on the upcoming agenda? Try using olive oil on your cuticles before you do household activities like cooking and cleaning to keep them moisturised in times where they may get battered about.

If you prefer to be a bit more traditional try an age smart Multivitamin Hand and Nail Treatment from Dermalogica for luxe nails – this is one of my favourites!

4) Makeup Brush Cleanser
Cleansing brushes is essential to stop the spread of bacteria from previous use. A great home cleanser to try is a 2 part recipe of one part olive oil and one part antibacterial soap to wash brushes whilst maintaining the softness of the bristles.

In terms of frequency for washing brushes, it depends on the amount of usage the brush gets. If it is a everyday brush then every 2 weeks should be enough. A good sign to look out for is if the brush feels harsher and the makeup residue is cake-y and visible.

5) DIY Facials
For an easy one-ingredient facial, try using a few tablespoons of plain natural yoghurt to dry skin and leave for 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water and pat dry. The lactic acid from the yoghurt has hydrating and gentle exfoliating properties to keep even sensitive skin supple.

For a facial you will want to eat, mash together VERY WELL half a banana, 2 tablespoons of honey and water until you reach a desired consistency. Apply and let sit for at least 10 minutes and follow with a good moisturiser for maximum benefit.

6) Dry Eye Skin
Need a quick fix for under the eyes? Try cutting a few slices of avocado and placing them under each eye and lie down for about 10 minutes. This super moisturising super-food is full of Vitamin C, E & K and will soften and nourish the softer eye skin.

For a much needed hydration boost to the area under the eye, try using Coconut Oil delicately on the skin before you go to bed.

Be sure to leave it on overnight for optimum exposure.

7) Puffy Eye
If staring at the computer all day, or a long night out has left you with puffy eyes then a classic eye remedy – the tea bag could be the answer for you.

Green and black teas contain caffeine which constricts the tiny blood vessels in the skin around the eyes reducing puffiness.

To make this work, place 2 tea bags in a mug of hot water. Remove from hot water and let the tea bags cool to room temperature then place on eyes for 15 minutes.

The best undereye treatment also happens to be the only one that is free. Getting 8 hours of sleep a night will help keen dark circles and puffyness at bay – this is the best way for your moisturizing efforts be able to take place.

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❤ From the Health & Beauty Gorilla

Tags: Beauty Tips

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