
Health & Beauty

Spend a night in and pamper yourself this winter!

By Hayley

If you deserve to have a awesome night in pampering or being pampered check out our Mid Winter Sale!

Get the girls around or have some well deserved R & R for yourself but don't miss out on the awesome products we have that will make you feel fresh and invigorated during these cold wet times.

The great thing about a good old fashion pamper session is you make it as long or short as you want without having to break the bank. If the girls come they can each bring something different and together you could have hours of fun!

Lets look at what you could get up to!

So you've just walked in the door, you're cold, you're wet and haven't had the best of days at work. It's the perfect scenario for a little pick me up pamper!

First thing you want to do is warm yourself up. So grab yourself a super warm Knitted Hottie and a nice hot meal to warm your bones and relax. After you've warmed and fed yourself it's time to begin the true pampering.

Nothing says relaxation like a nice hot shower or bath and our Bathing Heaven Bath & Body Set is perfect. Use the body ball and body scrub to take all the grit and grime of the outside world away leaving you feel fresh and clean and follow with a nice soothing body wash or gel.

When your all scrubbed up, dried off and ready for the next step grab yourself a gorgeous Body Lotion and start massaging out those arms and legs that are weary from a hard days work. When it comes to you hands and feet make sure to massage in those hand creams and foot creams firmly. Trust me your muscles, joints and skin will love you for it when you hit the pillow later!

Next is top pop on a nice soothing face mask just apply a layer to your face without rubbing it in and leave it. While your mask is doing its thing you can make good use of your time to give yourself some gorgeous nails! Be creative too, you'd be amazed what a simple combination of nail polish can achieve.

Now sit back and relax with a great movie and a hot cuppa and give your nails a chance to dry.

It's now time to remove your mask! The last steps to finish off you pamper are to apply your night cream which works to do some extra skin repair during the night while you sleep and some eye cream for the sensitive skin around your eyes.

Whether you choose to do one or all of the above, you'll wake up in the morning feeling all the better for your pamper. Taking the time out to treat yourself in these dreary months can make all the difference to your daily attitude and make the cold times that much more bearable!

Don't forget to check out what else is up for offer in our Mid Winter Sale! and in our Health and Beauty store.

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