
Health & Beauty

How to Prepare for Your Make-Up Part Four: Primers

By Hayley

Following after our CTM (cleanse, tone and moisturise) blog is priming!

If you have ever wondered what you can do to get your makeup to stay longer or stop it from creasing and slipping then you can stop wondering. All you need to do is use a primer!

Primers are designed to be an adhesive for your makeup to help it stay in place longer and keep you looking fresh all day.

When applying you can either use a brush or a sponge and treat it like you would foundation or just apply some onto your hands and and gently massage it in like a moisturiser. Using a primer helps in preventing breakouts by acting as a barrier between you face and your makeup. This stops the makeup from being able to get into your pores during the day and cause unwanted skin problems.

There are many types of primers you can go for including: colour correcting, matte finish, dewey/glowing finish, moisturising etc. There are also eye primers which are designed specifically to hold your eye shadow in place and prevent creasing although an eye liner can also be used for this purpose.

When buying a primer make sure to take into consideration how your skin feels after you have cleansed and how you want your make up to read during the day or night. For example if you put a moisturising primer on an already moist face it will cause your makeup to slip due to being too moist.


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