
Health & Beauty

Max Factor - Glamour is Created!

By Hayley

It's here and it's gorgeous! Whether you want to look glamorous, mischievous or neutral Max Factor has it all. So let's have a look at some of the best makeup tips there are to keep in mind while using this beautiful makeup.

One of the first golden tips of makeup is that unless you're getting ready to walk down the runway as a pro model you only need one area of your face defined more than the rest.

If you have a strong lip colour like the beautiful Chilli lipstick then you want to have medium blush and light eye makeup.
This works the other way also. If you have an intense eye makeup whether it be brightly coloured or dark and smokey you want to maintain the medium blush but keep you lips to a light pink or preferably a nude colour like Maroon Dust.
When I say to keep you eye makeup to a minimum that doesn't mean you can't have fun. Feel free to put some awesome eyeliner flicks and some chunky lines up there just avoid using too much eyeshadow!

This stops you from overwhelming the senses and having “to much going on” when people look at you.
Accent what you have that works for you. For example if you already have heavy lids a smokey makeup would be lost so try to focus more on what colours (not necessarily bright) will help pop your lips and make a statement and vice versa.
Small lips are not ideal for bright lipsticks and dark lipstick will only make them seem smaller. So step up your look with a beautiful bright or dark smokey eye. Using some beautiful smokey eye shadows and some gorgeous and volumising mascara you can create a beautiful sultry eye make up. Rememer to never leave your house without a good eyeliner and mascara!

Tip two: One product can have MANY uses!

If there is anything you can learn about makeup that can be helpful in a pinch it is that makeup is very versatile. When you're out for the day and you notice there is very little colour left in your cheeks and all you have on you are the basics: eyeliner, mascara, powder and some lipstick! What you do is you use you lippy as a blush.
If you think about it what's the difference between a cream blush and some lippy? Nothing really! All you need to do is rub the lipstick and the back of your hand and using very small amounts at a time dot onto your face where you would wear your blush slowly building up the colour.

Another awesome trick to use is to convert your eye shadows into lipsticks and glosses! Any cream eye shadow is already good to go as a substitute lipsick. Simply use a brush to apply.
Think of all the awesome colours that become available when you're not limited to just lipstick!
If you have an awesome loose or compressed eye shadow simply scoop or scrape some out with a makeup spatula or popsicle stick either onto the back of your hand or another surface and mix with some clear lip gloss.

Voila! Funky new shades at your disposal.

There are many things you can do with your new Max Factor makeup and many new looks. Just be sure to keep the above tips in mind and check out our awesome new Max Factor Store and other makeup HERE

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