
DVDs & Blu-ray

Pre-order and go in the draw to WIN The 5th Wave Book!

By Shirl

Wave 1: Darkness. Wave 2: Destruction. Wave 3: Infection. Wave 4: Invasion.

The first film of The 5th Wave series will be releasing on April 20th on DVD and Blu-ray. The 5th Wave stars Chloë Grace Moretz in this suspenseful post-apocalyptic disaster film where four waves of increasingly deadly attacks have left most of Earth in ruin.

To celebrate the release, thanks to Sony Pictures, we are giving away 5 copies of the first book of the 5th Wave series.

To go in the draw just pre-order your copy of the film on either DVD or Blu-ray and you will automatically be entered into the draw! Winners will be drawn on 21st of April.

Good luck!


From the Movie Gorilla

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