

Donovan Bixley: Books for Kiwi Kids

By Stacey

Donovan Bixley is one of my favourite authors, he writes the kind of books you turn to when you've had a rough day, when you're tired, feeling a bit unhinged and need to find a cow on a bus. Wait, what?

If you're a parent you will understand that there is always that one book. It must be read daily, multiple times is best and especially when you need to turn a frown upside down. Or sometimes, the thought might cross your mind to take that book and hide it for all eternity. In my house, that book is Donovan Bixley's A Day at the Zoo, a bold and bright board book for toddlers.

My son picked out this book himself and spent hours looking at the pictures when he was very small, now he confidently flicks through the pages telling me about the animals and colours in both English and Te Reo. I'm so grateful that we have New Zealand authors writing books that Kiwi kids love. Sadly, “A Day at the Zoo” has gone missing, which I'd like to quickly point out that I have nothing to do with its disappearance, storytime with Flamingo's and Hippos is on hold for now. While we continue to look for the lost Zoo book the new favourite is another Bixley gem, The Wheels on the Bus, filled with lots of Kiwiana treasures to find.

Donovan isn't just the Zoo guy, he's got a wonderful back catalogue of books for older kids too. Books about Flying Furballs, Shakespeare and Mozart.

Browse our selection of Donovan Bixley books. Highly recommended from my toddler to yours.

You can see more authors we love featured in our March daily giveaways on Facebook

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From the Book Gorilla

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