

Books Recommended by Mighty Ape Monkeys

By Kevin

Hello readers! Have you ever wondered what sort of books the team at Mighty Ape read? In fact, we're as curious as you are too. So we ran a Book Recommendation competition internally to find out more. And here are some of the must-read titles our monkeys highly suggested you to give a try!

Top Pick #1 – Dune by Frank Herbert

Frank Herbert's Dune (1965)Just as Lord of the Rings pushed forward the entire genre of Fantasy writing. Dune sits as the defining centerpiece for Science-Fiction. Even today, Dune stands out for its rich mix of political, spiritual, and futuristic themes. Dune featured: – Dark tech fantasy before Warhammer 40k- It was a bleak post-apocalypse before Terminator- It had deep political intrigue before GOTsI gush a lot about this book but the key novel in my all-time favourite series :P – Allan

Top Pick #2 – The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven R Corey

The title is almost misleading in my opinion; it's more than a self-help on how to be effective, it teaches us a way of living. How you can live the life that you want it to be. It shows us from the way of thinking mentally, as well as physically; inside-out and thorough. – Gracie

Top Pick #3 – Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir

Beautifully written, fascinatingly crafted, and very funny science fiction story (the first in a series) about necromancers in space. Also, it has memes – Dylan

Top Pick #4 – Wyrd Sisters by Terry Pratchett

A funny book that references a bunch of Shakespeare motifs. there's great world-building, fun characters, and a mountain of jokes all wrapped up in a good story. – Bronwyn

Top Pick #5 – The Witcher Season of Storms by Andrzej Sapkowski

Great way to get into the Witcher franchise (stand-alone story), with all the classic Witcher themes :) – Raymond

Top Pick #6 – The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien

Tolkien has not only created a story, this is a complete universe, with several speakable languages, phenomenal stories that have been remade into movies, and now an Amazon Prime TV series. This iconic series inspired the following Fantasy genre, its popularity pushed its sales to the top Best Selling Books list in the world. It's a must-read – at least start with The Hobbit! – Kevin

Top Pick #7 – To Italy With Love by Nicky Pellegrino

This book will transport you to Italy, it is such a comforting, easy read and the perfect escape during Winter. :) – Savannah

Special thanks to Penguin Random House and their generous support on the amazing book prize pack consisting of: How to Loiter in a Turf War by Coco Solid, Toi Tū Toi Ora by Nigel Borell, Poor People with Money by Dominic Hoey, Grand by Noelle McCarthy,Harbou­ring by Jenny Pattrick, How to be a Bad Muslim and Other Essays by Mohamed Hassan, Return to Hairikoa Bay by Owen Marshall. These are also the hottest selling titles that you can purchase from our Book Store right now!

This September, get ready for the Father's Day with Penguin Random House's top picks like:

  1. Atomic Habits by James Clear – A revolutionary guide to using tiny changes in behaviour to transform your life.
  2. One by Jamie Oliver – A book to rival 15-Minute Meals and 5 Ingredients in its smart simplicity – a one-pan cookbook from Jamie
  3. No Excuses: My Story by Dave Letele – The amazing true story of Dave “the Brown Buttabean” Letele and how he turned his life around.
  4. A Load of Bull by Amanda King – A stunning photographic book recording the extraordinary beauty of farm animals – cattle to be precise!
  5. Sons of a Good Keen Man by The Crump Brothers – A timely reflection on fatherhood and identity, the legacy of trauma, and how time can both heal and ask new questions.
  6. The Edible Backyard by Kath Irvine – The guide to everything you need to know to grow organic vegetables, fruit and herbs in your own garden, all through the year.

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